Live Evil (aka Grave Walkers)


There are a whole lot of lookssortalike’s in the pseudo-zombie flick Live Evil (aka Grave Walkers). There’s a girl who lookssortalike Jennifer Garner. There’s a guy who lookssortalike James Coburn. There’s another guy who lookssortalike Ice Cube. And there’s even a guy who lookssortalike Tony Todd.

In fact, truth be told, at first Live Evil itself lookssortalike a decent movie, but looks can be deceiving…

Click here to read Madison Film Guy’s FULL review of LIVE EVIL at!


The Phoenix Incident


There is an awful lot to like about the new paranoid sci-fi/horror flick The Phoenix Incident.

Presented as an explosive documentary that blows the lid off the government conspiracy surrounding the infamous Phoenix Lights episode, The Phoenix Incident focuses on the disappearance of four Arizona adventurers whose night in the desert on March 13, 1997, landed them smack-dab in the middle of a clash between the U.S. military and alien intruders…

Click here to read Madison Film Guy’s FULL review of THE PHOENIX INCIDENT at!


The Devil Lives Here


For all the hand-wringing over sex and violence in movies and modern culture, today’s artists have nothing on the mythmakers and storytellers of old. From Greek myths to Native legends to the original nightmares spun by those perverse Brothers Grimm, some of the world’s most horrifically cruel and violent imaginings have been around long before Leatherface found his first chainsaw under the Christmas tree.

Borrowing from that extensive history of depravity has long been a winning tradition in horror literature and film, imbuing stories new with the distinction and gravitas of tales timeworn and tested. And that winning streak continues with the nifty Brazilian horror flick The Devil Lives Here

Click here to read Madison Film Guy’s FULL review of THE DEVIL LIVES HERE at!